Over the past three decades, Author Robert T. Fertig has built a legacy of writing insightful, thought-provoking and entertaining books (often with his wife Miriam as editor), earning him distinguished recognition for his work. A vivid example is six recent works listed here. You cannot help but enjoy some great reading. Here are the book covers and some descriptive information:
Pursuit of Wisdom
Reviewed By Rabia Tanveer for Readers’ Favorite
Review Rating: 5-Stars - Congratulations on your 5-star review!
Pursuit of Wisdom by Robert T. Fertig is a book about finding the truth in everything that surrounds us. We all want acceptance and unconditional love; we crave it and it is in our most basic nature. However, we are also curious by nature, which is the reason why we need to know and understand the meaning behind the most common things in life. From understanding the “truth” of cultural change, climate change and even how or if we can live together as a community, these are the questions that we ask ourselves every day. The author talks about how these truths are important, how they are necessary for us to build a community, build trust and understand what it takes to accept every human being as a valuable addition to the community.
Reviewed By Christian Sia for Readers’ Favorite 5-Star Rating
Culture Crisis (formerly Culture Battles): Truth Shall Prevail by Robert T. Fertig is a compelling, thought-provoking book that invites readers to think about culture and to ponder existential issues that are prevalent in contemporary history. The reader is offered a wide selection of reflections, each crafted on a specific theme, but the overall book deals with the question of why we are here, why we experience cultural and religious differences that have been behind numerous tensions in modern times. This is a powerful work that is well-researched and that enters into dialogue with the best thinkers the world has ever known, experts in religious and cultural experience, and writers who have articulated on ideas of life, the purpose of human life, the place of culture in the evolution of life, human consciousness, and much more. Fertig’s writing is exceptional, unlike anything one has seen recently. The reader is left in no doubt that this book is well-researched and that the author knows what he is talking about. It is interesting to notice the author’s mastery of the different schools of thought, including the core teachings of faith doctrines like Christianity, Islam, atheism, and many others.
Miraculous. The original story by Rev. Fr. Fred focused on Patsy Li, a child of six whom he miraculously saved from death in the jungles of Guadalcanal, during World War II, with the grace of the Lord. It is primarily a story about a mother’s unrelenting love and search for her lost child. After researching these historical events, this current author, Robert T. Fertig (cousin of Fr. Fred Gehring), believes that Patsy Li was the “receiver” of a miraculous events, while Father Gehring, known as the “Padre of Guadalcanal,” was the "key instrument” of God’s miraculous deeds during this brutal war.
At all times, Fertig tried to preserve the accuracy of these amazing historical events. With these objectives in mind, I changed the storyline to “present tense,” while creating vivid new scenes, materials and photos from the Vincentian Mission in Germantown, Pa. However, the actual “voice from the past” is that of the late Padre of Guadalcanal. During my investigation for this work, I communicated directly with Patsy Li. What I learned from our discussions alters a vital part of the conclusions from the original story. I include these astonishing new facts in this book. Robert Fertig also created a screenplay for a movie, namely Miraculous.
“Guardianship Reality by Robert Fertig (co-authored by Fernando Gutierrez) offers readers the perfect picture of what guardianship is really like in the United States. This work showcases the author’s extensive experience in dealing with the protection of the most vulnerable people in society — our young children and the elderly. … Readers are introduced to a wide range of case studies, insightful and essential tips and advice, and a critical look at the legal and healthcare processes when it comes to actual guardianship.
“Guardianship Realities is well written, a book that covers most of what readers would love to know about guardianship, with concise definitions of terms, evaluation of processes, social and legal commentaries, and a lot more. … This is a book that anyone interested in guardianship should read, especially healthcare administrators, law enforcement officers, eldercare lawyers, social workers, and persons or agencies interested in providing more excellent services to the vulnerable. It is highly informative and loaded with wisdom.” Christian Sia for Readers’ Favorite.
After retiring from the Guardian ad Litem (GAL) program, Miriam and Robert Fertig can now be candid and outspoken about the Department of Children and Families (DCF), former Eckerd (ECA), and Guardianship successes, as well as failures. This is a sequel to our work, "Guardians Without Wings." This work contains many more case examples and greater depth of research, including other state’s systems. Edited by Miriam A. Fertig, M.A.
The title, “Best Interest” of the Child, is the standard used in deciding the disposition of cases following adjudication of abandonment, abuse, neglect, and Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) proceedings. Guardian ad Litem (known as CASA in other states) is the person appointed by the court judge to look after the Best Interest of the Child. It involves children’s physical, emotional, social, psychological, and family circumstances. The basis for this book is the author’s personal notes and experiences. These were real cases. The events described in this work are true. To assure anonymity, individuals discussed are composites and all identifying characteristics of people, time and places were altered. Guardian ad Litem and C.A.S.A. did not sponsor this book.
Sword of Allah: Espionage, Passion and Love during the Crisis
After giving his keynote speech at an Information Technology conference in New York City, Vincent meets CEO Charley, who will forever change his life. He becomes the key player in a deal gone bad in the Middle East, setting into motion a dangerous chain of events with profound worldwide consequences.
As the plot code-named, “Sword of Allah” emerges, Vincent is entangled in love affairs with two mysterious women. There is Eva, a wild seductress in Monaco, who lures him into a world of extravagant wealth that hides her dark secrets. There is Anne, a reluctant French agent, who might become his final lover, if she can survive her dangerous mission. Both women offer a passion and vitality missing in Vincent's American sedate suburban life.
As we follow Vincent’s journey, themes of identity, betrayal and redemption emerge, within the drama of espionage and seduction with dangerous global stakes. Actual characters interweave with real world events, with past and present U.S. Presidents and their supporters.
The story’s period brings us right up to the present and a future that is actually happening.
Vincent learns the lessons of life and love as this international plot between Iran, Syria, Israel and the U. S. comes together to confront him. He discovers that the real battleground is that free will, and freedom that we all have, to really choose between good and evil.
“… The author has done an extraordinary job of describing events, corruption, and seedy characters. Readers will feel as if they were right there. [Sword of Allah] is scary, informational and very entertaining.”
Carol Hoyer, PhD., for Readers Views